Well,today was the so called the first day when we had our lessons!It was fine.The usual Mrs koh crapping about teaching for 27 years and her passion for being a teacher!Mr ooi as usual always concern about how long we take to walk from the old block to the new block!We are always running whenever we see him standing there and waiting for us to come ASAP!Well,its 2009,a new year,some new things here and there,but some things never change.
I can't believe that five days of this new year has just passed by without me feeling a single thing!!!Man! I think time is the most selfish thing in this world.Waits for no one but just goes on and on!I kinda miss 2008!2009 seems a bit to unpredictable for me.I have not a single idea how am i suppose to prepare for the O'levels.Wait a minute,i don't even believe that i giving O'levels this year!Still stuck back in 2008 i guess!If i had a wish,just one,i would wish for the time to just stop even if it is just for a minute.I just want to embrace every moment if there is ever a tomorrow waiting for me!I still don't know what i wanna be when i grow up.A few things that i have interest in is fashion designing,dance Chreographing or being an astronomer!But the future seems still so uncertain of.Wish i would know what would be happening later on than to be experiencing surprises every moment.Enough of suspense for me!I want life to be filled with exceptional simplicity leaving all that complications behind!
Well,that's never gonna be happening coz tht's life after all!Well,i shall go and sleep now!