underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Friday, October 31, 2008
Forgot that yesterday was HALLOWEEN!!! BOO! lame :)
9:50 PM

Well,HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!I totaly forgot that yesterday was halloween in the midst of sahil's birthday!hehe!Anyway,today woke up in the morning and waited for my tuition teacher to come and go through the physics EYE paper with me.This teacher was suppose to come at 10 am but when i called her up,she was still sleeping!!!So in the end she came at 11 am instead!I told her about what she thinks about my progress in science and stuff like that.She suggested that it would be a better choice if i take combine as i will be able to perform better in that!But i don't want to drop my pure science!Haizz..i am CONFUSED!My dad really wants me to take pure while my mum insist me to take combine!Well,i really don't know what to do!DAMN!!!Sometimes making a decision can be so hard and it is especially complicated if it is about my life!What is if i DO TAKE PURE and do bad in O'levels!It is a tuff competetion anyway since we are challenging the top schools but i love to take up challenges.However,i don't wanna do bad in it.AHHHH!!!Nevremind...i think i will talk about this to Mr ooi!

Today, might go and watch a movie.It has been a very long time since i watched a horror movie and the coffin came out.I heard that it quite freaky!!!I WANNA WATCH IT...perhaps i will go out with my cousins later :) hehe..for now..that is enough crap i can produce!

BRB :)

1:34 AM

Well,back to blogging...the reason that i did'nt blog for some time was because i seriously did'nt know what to write about!!!Anyway,todae was great!!!Today was sahil's b'dae and me and mariyya bought him a soccer ball since he is a man of SOCCER!But we did'nt know so much about "balls" so we bought a black and white type..is like u noe the type u can find in yuhua..is da oldest design...hehe..well..but sahil said never mind!Me,amy,rahul and mariyya called him at 12 midnight when he just became a year older!shhhesh..i don't like old people...haha!Well..we had a one hour conference..we were basically crapping about anything and everything that came up to our minds!Then today morning i went to school and him da ball...he was kinda like..wad da hell is it?haha :) comical idiot!


After all that remedials ended,sahil went to pray while me and mariyya went to have our lunch...

after that we asked sahil to meet us at Mc..we prepared some water bombs or wadeva u call them...and we bought bubbles for wadeva weird reason...yea..we bought two slices of cake..two doughnuts..hmmm..oh yea..n we treated him McSpicy...and it was upsized for da big man!!!Woah..not a bad treat yea?!After he ate we threw the waterbags at him and this idiot started running here and there...we were typical fools but still we had fun!!!Hahaha...rydia and raden was there also!Sahil said he never had a birthday like that...awww..haha..well..at least now you had one..there is a first experience for everyone...yea?!Well,he had a wonderful birthday and i celbrated becoz mrs koh did'nt come and i did'nt do her homework aniwae!Differentiation...i dun noe how to spell it..wadeva it is..da topic is so complicated..da only thing i learn is DU over DY???


Tuesday, October 28, 2008
not gonna blog for sometime!
1:58 AM


Friday, October 24, 2008
Saturday :)
9:36 PM

Well,woke up at 12 pm today.Yesterday showed my dad my report book and he was damn disappointed man!!!Crap!Now for da whole holiday i've to study hard for next year.Next Wednesday school will start as per normal(so called extra lessons for the secondary threes)...I wish the Harry Potter movie would come soon!I really wanna go and watch it!This time i think it will be the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince :) I really hope i can buck up for next year and i must!Well, nothing much to say about today as i just woke up!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Last day of school :)
12:44 AM


Well,today is incredibly the last day of school!!!I CAN'T BELEIVE THAT TIME JUST FLEW THAT FAST!!!I just don't know how fast this year went by.It went way too fast like a bullet train.Anyway,after school i had lunch with rahul,sahil,mariyya and radyiatul :)Well,radya was plainly throwing ice into sahil's shirt who got freaked out!haha!Well,tomorrow there chemistry SPA!Well,nothing much to blog about for today.I'll end it off with the kelly clarkson lyrics...BECAUSE OF YOU!

I will not make the same mistakes that you did

I will not let myself

Cause my heart so much misery

I will not break the way you did,

You fell so hard

I've learned the hard way

To never let it get that far

Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust not only me,

but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid

I lose my way

And it's not too long before you point it out

I cannot cry

Because you know that's weakness in your eyes

I'm forced to fake

A smile, a laugh everyday of my life

My heart can't possibly break

When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you

I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me

Because of youI am afraidI watched you die

I heard you cry every night in your sleep

I was so young

You should have known better than to lean on me

You never thought of anyone else

You just saw your pain

And now I cry in the middle of the night

For the same damn thing

Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of youI learned to play on the safe side so

I don't get hurt

Because of youI try my hardest just to forget everything

Because of youI don't know how to let anyone else in

Because of youI'm ashamed of my life because it's empty

Because of youI am afraid

Because of you

Because of you

Monday, October 20, 2008
9:37 PM

Yesterday,me,sahil,rahul,rohit(rahul's bro),amy and minesh went to vivocity to watch a movie.It was fun.Actually it was damn fun!We were making fun of rahul's uneven butt shape!!!I don't really liked the movie that i watched.I think is is called "max payne".Most of the time me and rohit was laughing at the most serious scenes!Especially when the people are SHOT dead!!!Anyway,before tht movie we saw Mss straaten,nicholas,pei ling,hiang teck,li hui,yan wei and melvyn i think.They were watching house bunny :)After we watched that movie,we walked around the rooftop!It was awesome.We sat down and basically talked crap :)It was such wonderful day!Mariyya and sumama,You guyz should have came coz u missed a lot of fun!Perhaps, the next time..yea?
Well,that's all for now!Till then, chill out :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday is here!
3:33 AM

Well,today i woke up at 1 pm in the afternoon and rest of the day i spent watching tv.Tomorow,might go to watch movie at vivocity or go to sentosa!Well,nothing much to talk about today!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
10:52 PM

Well,i don't want time to fly so fast!!!I posted this entry just to post this pic!haha!i know that i am very random :)

Friday is here,the weekend is here :)
10:27 PM

Well,sahil woke me up in the morning so we can meet in Mc for a chat.So i had to wake up early.Went to Mc at 10 and waited for him for more than half an hour than i got fed up and then went home.I gave him a call and asked him where was he,he said he was still in the bus???Pathetic moron.We are suppose to meet at 10 and he left his house at 10!Anyway,i did'nt go to school today.Tong Jing,sahil,rahul,xue er and minesh also did'nt go to school today.It is soo boring!After,me and sahil talked for sometime and then ordered some food.Man,i lost my appetite!!!I had a hard time finishing my food.Then i accompanied sahil to the bus stop and went home.I think i will watch TV rest of the day!Hmmm...Today there is NPCC but i don't think i will be attending it.Well,maybe on monday we might go out like maybe for a movie?!I don't know.I am worried for my results.I really don't want to drop anything!DAMN!Well,that's all the crap i have to say for now!

Oh yea..i have a sudden interest for photography!!!

1:17 AM

OK...This is gonna be a really long post about my reflection of life for 2008 :)

I just can't believe that the days just passed like that!Just a blink of an eye and THE END?!

Well,I have just too much to reflect for this year,I kinda don't know where to start and where to end.Well lets just start with my results since that is the latest news!

Results of the year:Well,surprisingly,the subjects that studied for the most is one of lowest scores while the subjects that i did'nt even study a bit is one of my best scores!I don't know why ironic has to be a fact of life?!I really tried hard for almost every subjects!During MYE,I tried to understand which is my weakest subjects and tried to improve on them and strive for a better goal during EYE.Pure Physics and Pure Chemistry was one of my weakest subjects so I worked on it hard but I did'nt do so well as i expected it to!Now,i do feel sad and everything and the same time i feel frustrated with myself!My dad always have high expectation out of me and he pays for a lot of expensive tutors to guide me through as i have a hard studyin myself!I tried my outmost to live to his expectation but that just did'nt happen this time.Sometimes things never want to happen the way you want them to be.And that can be the most irritating and frustrating thing at times.Sadly,that's what we call LIFE?!I really don't want to drop from pure science to combined science!!!I think i'm kinda hopeless :( Well,I don't what to tell my parents.I don't know where is the problem.Is it me?or is it just i did'nt have enough practice or is it just that i am not capable for PURE SCIENCE?This is still a mystery to me?DAMN!!!

FRIENDS:Well,this year i also learnt a lot of love and friendship.Lets start of with friendship:I would love thank all those people who has been always there for me in my every critical stages of my life.Mariyya is one of the person i'm really grateful to.Words won't express how much you mean to me dear but this is what i can do,just show you some aprreciation.It has been three long years of our strong and ever lasting friendship and i hope it will stay that way forever.There has been never a day where you never stood up for me.You shared my sadness and my sorrows were the tears in your eyes,my joys were the sound of happiness in your laughter and your smile was always making me do things that i never thought of doing!You made me a more daring person and always supported me.Honestly,it is hard to get your type nowadays,talkative,weird,funny,lovable,understanding and everything you can think of!Well,it is fun the way we act stupid and crazy without thinking twicw what might others say about us.I mean who careS?We Live the way,We wanna live...We are what we are and that is the best thing of all!Amy has been always there for over the phone,(just to bad that we are not in the same school,yea?)But,we are still the best of best friends.Thank you a lot for being there for me!I really mean it :)Thank you sahil and rahul for also being there by my side and especially thanks for playing such a lovely part in getting me and that someone back together.Thanks a bunch.And here comes the long list of friends who must be mentioned:Gangadevi (for always being the first one to act stupid and volunteer yourself to insult me 24/7)Tong Jing (For always being there for me and giving me useful advices :) Xue er (for being a noble and gentle friend,you are not forgotten my dear) Minesh(for being weird and shy half of your time and giving me a chance to understand and love you for what you are)Sing lei for sending letters all of a sudden(you are still someone close to my heart even if we are no longer close friends :)Nicholas(thank you for being sarcastic and kind at time,i did learn a lot about human character and mood swings?!Melvyn (thank you for understanding me as a secretary and being my dance partner all year round :)Radyia(thank you for being there for at times when i need someone to talk to)Yu Ting (Thank you for understanding me in NPCC ans saying hi to me whenever i see you..haha..it means a lot to me anyway!Hemama(yo mama..hi mama..yea..thanks for saying that..it makes me think you have nothing better to do than to say hey mama here and there)Hiang Teck (for being a crazy ass..it makes my day sometimes :)Pei Ling (for being talkative during history class)Shannon (for being a great assistant...ok..i am seriously running out of names!!!Those who are not mentioned due to my poor loss of memory..i'm sincerely sorry but as long as you played any small part in my life..A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU!LOVE YOU GUYZ TO BITS!

LOVE:Hmmm..there is just too many thing about this word but let me just say it to that person instead,i love you.We have been through the good and bad times together (well,most of the time).Thank you for being a special part of my life.You in the every breath i take in,my dear :)

Events that will always be etched in my mind:Well,racial harmony day is one of the most unforgettable day of my life :)ITS THE TIME TO DISCO!ALL MY LOVE TO MY SEC 2SS!!!YOU GUYZ ROCK TO THE CORE:) Another event that will forever be etched in my mind in April's fool day.I AM NEVER GONNA PLAY ANY SORT OF "LOVE" PRANK ON ANYONE!!!I SWEAR!hahaha...oh yea..thank you kamalraj for teaching me that :)

I seriously learnt several things this year and most importantly i understood what family love means.Family mean unity.Family means understanding.Family means affection.And most importantly family means love...

I think i can go on and on about this year..it is just too many things to mention :)

Well..till then chill out!

PS:i hope my love for will grow srtonger each and everyday as i spent my time
with you.

1:04 AM

What is love? True love is shown in concrete ways, by how we act, what we think, and what we say.

1. Love Is Patient - It learns to overlook, and bear with, some small areas of irritation. Remembering our own weaknesses will help us to understand our companions’ faults and shortcomings. We must be careful to watch the tone of our voices, our feelings, our reactions, and our tempers.

2. Love Is Kind - Develop the trait of doing little deeds of kindness and giving thought to how you might show your appreciation for your mate. Love involves concern and consideration for the other person's welfare. Love EXPRESSES.

3. Love Is Not Jealous - Love is unselfish, free from meanness, smallness, and pettiness. Love is big-hearted and caring; it results in the full giving of oneself to another.

4. Love Is Not Boastful - Humility stems from a heart full of love. Husbands and wives should not be competitors.

5. Love Is Not Arrogant - Arrogance and false pride are not characteristic of love. Love is not egotistical, conceited, or puffed up. Love is not inflated with self-importance. It is difficult to live with a proud and conceited person. He wants attention, but gives none. An overbearing, self-centered person can destroy love and respect.

6. Love Is Not Rude - Love has good manners. Courtesy and politeness are of great importance to the good health of any marriage. Husbands and wives should be considerate and sympathetic toward one another.

7. Love Does Not Insist on Having Its Own Way - The one who loves does not selfishly demand his own way all the time. Love gives. Love works for goals that are common and compromises in the areas where you differ. Marriage partners must practice the working art of "give and take." Learn to give a lot, and take a little - accept each other as you are.

8. Love Is Not Irritable (Easily Provoked) - Love is not short-tempered; it does not easily get its feelings hurt or ruffled. Marriage is the closest relationship in the world, and it is important that both parties work together to keep from aggravating each other. If you know of something you habitually do that irritates your mate, resolve to overcome that habit. If a marriage is to be happy, touchiness, sullenness, and anger cannot exist for very long. Learn to talk to your mate and discuss your problems; keep the communication lines open.

9. Love Is Not Resentful - It is not healthy for a person to carry around the hurts and the injuries that have occurred in the past; doing so breaks down the ability to love. Love does not keep score of wrongs. Forgiveness and love go hand and hand. Forgiveness is a loving act that has, as one of its basic ingredients, forgetfulness. Forgiveness means not bringing up the past.

10. Love Does Not Rejoice At Wrong, But Rejoices in What Is Right - Love always looks for what is right and good and makes a positive effort toward what is good. Love looks for the best in one’s mate.

11. Love Bears All Things - Lovers forbear one another.

12. Love Believes All Things - Love always believes the best until proven wrong.

13. Love Hopes All Things - Love always expects something good from the one who is loved.

14. Love Endures All Things - True love can outlast anything. There is no person, no situation, nothing that can get the best of true love between two people who have committed their hearts and lives to God and to each other.

Love’s endurance knows no limits, its trust no end, its hope no fading; it can outlast anything. If, we will but follow God's pattern for the marriage relationship, we can find the happiness that God intended when He ordained it. The pleasure and happiness are there when the husband and wife have the proper love for each other and for God.


Monday, October 13, 2008
8:55 PM

Fashion refers to styles of dress (but can also include cuisine, literature, art, architecture, and general comportment) that are popular in a culture at any given time. Such styles may change quickly, and "fashion" in the more colloquial sense refers to the latest version of these styles. Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly than the culture as a whole.

The terms "fashionable" and "unfashionable" are employed to describe whether someone or something fits in with the current or even not so current, popular mode of expression. The term "fashion" is frequently used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour,
beauty and style. In this sense, fashions are a sort of communal art, through which a culture examines its notions of beauty and goodness. The term "fashion" is also sometimes used in a negative sense, as a synonym for fads and trends, and materialism. A number of cities are recognized as global fashion centers and are recognized for their fashion weeks, where designers exhibit their new clothing collections to audiences. These cities are Paris, Milan, New York City, and London. Other cities, mainly Los Angeles, Berlin, Tokyo, Rome, Miami, Hong Kong, São Paulo, Sydney, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Madrid, Montreal, Mumbai, Vienna, Auckland, Moscow, New Delhi , San Juan, Dubai and Dallas also hold fashion weeks and are better recognized every year.

Today I surprisingly woke up at 7.30am to go to and play basketball with Sahil and Rahul.I asked Amy and Mariyya along but they were busy.Mariyya is on full 100% Hari Raya mood and amy was sleeping.I reached JP and met Sahil chand then went to a near by basketball court to play.We played for an hour or so and then i came home.And guess wad peeps...EXAMZ FINALLY OVER!!!WHooohooo...tht seemed like ages!Yesterday after the last paper we had EXCO meeting.It was about the upcoming camp and stuff.The most funny part was our dear Mr Sue!He is such a adorable over grown baby :0 I said Mr sue "r u tht stress tht u r getting bald" he said "yea"..then i said you should go for hair treatment before u loose all ur hair.He said he does'nt mind being bald because it has nothing to do with character building!I was like so?You wanna look so old when you are still young?Then he was like,"Musarrat,you have a weird way of thinking and i need to change it..."I think i need to research on hairs to prove that having hair loss is bad at such a young age..He is only 38 and he is half bald!!!Nevermind about him..Anyway,after the meeting me,sahil and rahul went Mc and then went home!It was fun!
