underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008
First Day of Exam!
10:59 PM

Today we had Social Studies and English Paper 1.My hand is half broken of writting man.I was just writting on and on because i had to write.Well,nothing much to blog about so All THE BEST FOR DA NEXT FEW PAPERS.WE CAN MAKE IT THROUGH THIS DAMN EXAMINATION PERIOD!

Sunday, September 21, 2008
It's study the only thing that exist in this world?
2:58 AM

Today, I woke up at around 11.30pm in the afternoon.Last night,me and my cousin went to Jurong East and Jurong Point to do some shopping for Hari Raya.I t was kinda fun.I bought a damn tall high heel and a dress.After we came, we watched indian idol in sony entertainment and then we had a fashion parade until 2.30 am in the morning.We just grabbed all the clothes in the closet and constantly changed into them for about 2 hours.It was kinda tiring!Today,i had tuition at 4.00 pm and i had to finish up her junk of homework before she came and corrupted my brain like all teacher does.Is that the actual reason why they are paid for?haha..hope not!Tomorrow is school begins again and there so many things to do.I just can't wait for this damn examination period to end.Hopeless and stressful time!I am also kinda freaked out by some stuff that happened.One of it is that particular person.Well,I am not gonna take any action for now.I will think about it after exam :)

PS:Keep working hard people!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Big Day!
7:36 AM

Today was kinda a huge day for me!!!In the morning nothing much happened.The usual class and we had chemistry test which was kinda manageable but i kinda forgotten my facts...haha!Aniway,after school me,sahil and rahul were just lazing in the library till sahil took my wallet and started playing with it.I did'nt wanted him to semy ez-link picture and was tryin to take it away from him but this moron don't seem to understand anything.Then,Rahul came up with a plan when minesh came.The wallet was eventually passed on to minesh.Then,rahul recorded some stuff that minesh said about me?!It was kinda insane.And the next moment,me and him talked some things out after like 3 months.

He said a lot of things that i hardly believed?!

Whatever happened today exists only in a fairytale...but it actually happened in reality.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Raining MondaY!
7:41 AM

In the morning,it was raining cats and dogs man.It was heavily pouring flooding da roads really badly.I was just about to rush for prefect's meeting(which i did'nt attend for ages..its time i thought i showed up a good example as a secretary..) and when i was just about to get out of the house...KABBbboooomm!!!The droplets from heaven started to fall on Jurong?>!I was'nt in a mood to get wet at all coz i knew that even if i had a umbrella i would get my shoes,socks and me myself being partially wet!In the end,i waited for da damn rain to stop and had good excuse why i did'nt attend the meeting (well,not reallie..)Aniway,half way to school i spotted mariyya trying hard to keep her poor umbrella straight while at da same time trying to give shelter to another complete stranger?!Well,we joked all da way to school..it was kinda fun!And then lessons started as usual...nothing new or interesting about that!During Mother Tongue,Sahil bought some riddles and we had fun.Riddles rocks for us!!!After school,nothing much happened.We had chemistry remedials where the sotong MR. TAN was boasting about how "useful" he think he is and how "hardworking" he was when he was a student like us..well big deal?!He seriously needs to learn how to control his pride?haha..such a blur maniac.After that i waited for sahil and his crazy gang...and went home.On the way home,naj bought 2 packets of tissue paper.I just find it hillarious to see a guy but tissue paper to use in school...haha..i seriously don't know why?

EYE is just round the corner...(time surely flies?)so peeps please study hard for it!!!We're gonna prove to Mr Ooi that we are not the worst pure science he has eva seen..yea?haha..till then...


Thursday, September 11, 2008
Friday the 12th!
11:54 PM

Well,today i was almost late for school as i woke up at around 7.15am.I got ready within a few minutes and was aboutto get out of the house..and just at that very moment it started to rain heavily so i had to rush back in to find my damn umbrella.Unfortunately my socks were wet and seriously it is so irritating to wear a pair of filthy stinking socks the whole day!Anyway,the first two period was english.I can't really remember what we learnt...Next was Mother Tongue which means free period for me,sahil,rahul and amar!YAY!I had some riddles to ask them so time passed quite fast.Actually,it always passes very fast with these fools around.They are mad mambos.After that was twp period of boring maths.Thank god i had to the bionomial test with cedric.Next was recess...and time passed so damn fast that we did'nt even realise that we were 10 minutes late for chemistry class.In the end we had to stand up the whole lesson.Mr Tan is a SOTONG!

PS:Rahul is a pathetic idiot!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008
11:11 PM

Yesterday was da first of september and it was the first day of ramadan.I did'nt felt hungry as i was busy since morning.First, I went to the polyclinice as my sister had a check up.Then i met sahil,tong jing and sumathi at chinese garden.Poor things..they were waiting and waiting..haha..I WAS LATE!Then we went to mayfare condo and started partying.At around 7 plus me and sahil broke our fast.Then,we ate and had fun.Just like the last time i got thrown into da pool.I tried to throw sahil but he is a giant.hahaha...nvm but he is still one my closest and good friends around :)We went home at around 10 plus..preety late :)I had fun!
