underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Ketchup Miracle
6:53 AM

Today was a mixture of fun and a bit of a irritating day for me.In the morning,the first period was maths.After we finished the morning duty,we went up to the lab.I peeped through the transparent window and saw that couple of people were standing up.Then i was like "oh damn!!!i did'nt finish any of my maths homework!!!"I did'nt have any intention of standing trough the whole boring period so I skipped the maths class for a few minutes by wandering around the school with sumathi.(I am such an "awesome" prefect!Follow my trademark :)

After that we had recess,can't remeber what we really did.Oh yea,me and mariyya was struggling with history.I seriously did't know what was i memorising.Aniway,Me and Mariyya is back in action!!!Aniway,after school the History test was cancelled which was a huge relief!I would have failed 100% with flying colours :) Then, Me and Mariyya went to eat and we discussed some issues regarding our friendship.

Then, I had to deal with the whole bunch of sec ones.(Retarded ones)I asked them not to talk when i am talking to them,they don't seem to give a damn.Only after Wesly shouted then they kept quiet.Must i really be that mean to them or do they expect people to be mean to be as that the only way thet know how to keep themselve shut!I really don't know how Melvyn handle this whole bunch of *#&^&%@###!!! I seriously can't think of any words to describe them.I taught them some of the dance steps for the ketchup song.The best thing they could do is to stare at me as if I am some sort of Bizarre baboon giving a free show in the zoo!!!Only the sec 2s was co-operating with me.The people who were involved in RHD (racial harmony day).Nabilah went mental after a few minutes.(she looked as if she was drunk and that reminded me of mushfiq on his sweet sixteen)

Overall,it was fun just that i got tired with the sec ones!One message for you guyz:You have to move it!!!Your body is not mechanical that you have to dance like some kind of typical robots!NO offence but we really need to rock that show and i need you guyz to co-operate with me.Please respect your other seniors as well and try not be stubborn.You guyz should carry the legend and continue to rock yuhua and prove that the prefects rocks!!!I know you guyz can do it!So all the best and move to the music.Its not that hard.Trust me.You can take help from nabilah if you need to.She will make you move to the groove :)

Sec 2s,Keep up the good job.I really thank you for co-operating and supporting me all the way.You guyz rock to the core!It's the time to disco for you all,i guess:)

Aniway,after teaching them the dance steps,i went to find sahil,Then,me,mariyya and him went to eat in Mcdonald.(he lost my diary!!!)On the way,my ketchup song cd fell on the road and it rolled all the way to the other side of the road.And by that time,the cars were miving so i could'nt really get it or stop it from rolling.Then,when the coast was clear i went off to get it.Surprisingly it did'nt broke or had any scratches on it so i thought it was ok.But when i tried it on,it was spoilt.THE KETCHUP MIRACLE OF THE DAY!You should have seen it rolling on da road.It was kinda cool.

I can't wait for the prefect's camp!Tomorrow we all have photo shooting.It's gonna be PAPARAZZI (i think tht's how u spell it) kind of day.I will have class photo shoot,prefects photo shoot,EXCO photo shoot and last but not the least the NPCC photo shoot.Then,after school is NP training.I miss my diary!!!

Aniwae,i just realised today that some people around me are nuts.One of the b***ches in my school is happy that my friendship was not destroyed with one of my closest friend.She judged that I am not a good friend as she thinks she can prove to be a better friend than me.(after she herself proved that she is the no. 1 world wide great gossiper(or wadeva u call it)!I seriously don't know why peoply like you exist in this world.Firstly,you broke someone's trust who wanted to see the different side of you.Secondly,you proved to me that how inhuman you are.Thirdly,you disgusted me with your personality and thoughts.I am even ashamed to say that i actually know someone like you.Keep that crappy nose and mouth to urself.Pathetic monkey virus!

Aniway,i think tht's all i would crap for today.Maths is waiting for me.

Favoutite qoute of the day, "TIME HATES ME!!!"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Maths Mock Exam!
6:07 AM

Today we had maths mock exam after school.It was quite easy except for all those complicated bearing questions.I don't know how am i suppose to cope up with these tons of homework and tests!Apart from studies,there are so many things that is going on.I don't really understand why i am close to so many people.It is just too many too handle and sometimes i fall in a situation where i am the middle person.Well,after being close to someone,they will still not trust you 100%.Sometimes they will still suspect you of doing things that you know that you will never imagine doing before.Only a few people will understand what i am talking about.Sometimes it hurts to see that the person you are most closest to your heart is confused about trusting you.Some people sometimes without bothering to find out the truth goes behind my back and start gossiping (their favourite past time) and unknowingly,they too make a deep hole in my friendship.They unintentionally weaken my bonds with my close friends.And that's when i call a person a total pure *biatch*!

Aniwae,today after the test,me,sahil,rahul,nicholas,joyce just sat down and talked.They were mostly laughing about some dirty jokes that i did'nt get it (as usual).Tomorrow,there will be a prefects meeting in the morning and most probably after school we would be rehearsing for the dance that we are gonna perform on NDP.

Well, gtg now and finish up my revesion.Got three tests tomorrow :)

I miss you :)

Monday, July 28, 2008
in comp lab five :)
6:04 PM

Now 3e5 is stuck in comp lab five with mss winata.Well,yesterday i slept at around four in the morning.Maths is seriously making me mad!!!Especially, trigonometry!!!Apart from maths ans stress,there are other stuff that is going on.There is NDP coming up which is most probably next week.I am dance co-ordiantor.All the prefects,most of them,are going to dancce to song called ketchup.The dance steps are preety fast.I hope the juniors can catch up with it.Ok..mss winata is screaming right now..i think i better sign off before she catch me!


Saturday, July 26, 2008
5:28 AM

Damn!!!i can't upload my pics!!!bad mood.so i won't post anything for today!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
2:51 AM

On 21th july we celebrated racial harmony day!it was a blast.I will just post the pictures which will explain it all!I love you all!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Civil District!
7:52 AM

Today we went to the civic district area.It was fun.But the tour guide could'nt stop talking.

Damn!i can't upload the pics!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008
It is a sunday!!!
3:17 AM

Maths and maths and even more maths!I think that is the only subject i am learning right now.Mrs Koh can be such a pain sometimes.She suspended all the remedials and tests.I know is a good thing for us for the moment.

Today is a Sunday.The only thing i remember doing was maths.

I have no mood to post anything.

