underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Thursday, April 17, 2008
Urghhhh!!!!Stupid Mole concept!!!!
8:49 PM



Problems after problems :)
7:15 AM

Well, nothing much happened today.As usual had some boring lessons of maths.After school had the maths test.It was quite easy but I made some careless mistakes :) Aniways, someone special of mine is so mad at me :( UrghhhhHHH!!! I know i'm at fault but he does'nt have to avoid talking to me!I miss you :) You came to the gate today but you did'nt talk to me.You could have scolded me or wadeva you wanted to do.It is better than not talking to me.Silence kills me inside.This is the first time,I saw u but not a word was spoken.

I know is my fault!I really admit it!I seriously meant no Harm.

I always tend to do wrong things at the wrong time.

I hope you do not lose any trust in me coz i was seriously did not wanted to let the secret out.I was just so called sharing it even though i'm not suppose to.Just did'nt thought twice about it.But everyone does make mistakes, yea?I hope you talk to me tomorrow :) Without you life is just not the same.I may not show but it is always deep inside me...


I believe that none could love you

quite as deeply as I do;

And yet I often fail to show

the depth of it to you.

I vow to do the little things,

to show you every day;

But one thing or another

seems to get into the way.

I pledge to be more open,

to have courage and be strong;

But some how fear takes over

and then everything goes wrong.

I dream of perfect love for us,

and hope that it will be;

And yet I end up giving you

a less than perfect me.

I want to be much more for you,

be everything you need.

I hope and seek, beg and pray"Change me Lord! ", I plead.

You are the only one I want.It is for you I yearn.

I guess, my love, there's still so much

that I have yet to learn.

I cannot give perfection,

but this I promise I will do -

I will spend my life time learning

how to give my love to you.

Hmmm...hope everything is fine tomorrow :)

PS:i love u, i really do :)

Monday, April 7, 2008
Today i am Sick!
9:11 PM


The school merit system PPL :)



Some are not in da pics...MARIYYA TOOK DA PIC :)


Well,today i did'nt go to school coz i was sick in the morning...but i think i'll be attending da NAFA test.I don wanna miss that...the faster i get over it, the better it will be for Me :)

I'm so sick of some things that is going around me for the moment. I juz solved one problem last week and another problem juz appeared!That idiotic,lunatic,good for nothing has nothing better to do than to dig up his own grave to a miserable life!He wants to play it like a hard game...i'll show him some!I did enough of pitying and showing symphathy for him now there is not a single lovely soul left in me :( And the game starts now!You will never win coz u always think about losing me...so juz watch out!You've drained the patience out of me!I've never met such a lunatic and a dumb dumb person like you.Your motto? "THINK.AIM.STRIKE!"

But for me...i neither think nor aim...i go straight to strike!

Aniwae, enough of my whole lot of craps..i'm juz mad at a particular person..that's all!Aniwae..later..i gtg to school to attend my NAFA test!


Saturday, April 5, 2008
so many things tht is going on :)
7:16 AM

There are so many things that is going on...some things which are so weird and absurd and others are just so unexpecting :)

Well, school is just going greater and better everyday...except for Mrs koh's lessons.Anyway, MYE is coming reallie soon and I don noe how am i suppose to cope...Urghhh!!!Time flies so fast man!!!

Yesterday, we had speech Day!It was awesome :)
After school i had to deal wif da Merit System..Then i went to eat with Pei ling Yu ting, Regina , Mahira and some others..i Can't remember..

Then went back to school...tried polishing my boots!

By 2:30 we had to fall in!We did some drills and then we got ready to march out :)

Directly after the parade i had to go up to the hall to give out the prizes to da GOH...

Then me, sumathi, minesh and kamlraj watched da different Dance group perform :)

Then rahul came from somewhere and they did some ghost investigation around da sch..while me and sumathi seek to da canteen to get some drinks...

Then we waited for them to come..and took some pics together..Eugene also joined us in pics taking part..I had to force him to take..

WEll...overall..it was wonderful day :)
But it is sad tht speech day is over!

But guess i have to be happy that it happened :)
