underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Asked Xue Er to post pics for me :P
7:49 PM

I can't find any fonts in my blogger.This font sucks.Anyway, I asked Xue Er to Post those pics for me.haha.I love that dress of mine!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I CAN'T POST MY PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5:38 AM


Sunday, November 18, 2007
Still having a sleepover!!!!
11:18 AM

we are joined TWINS.hehe:)
FRIENDZ 4 EVA AND eva and....



OK. :)

I'll make it short and sweet this time. :)

Woke up at 1:00pm. :)

Went out at around 6:00pm. :)

Esplanade. :)

Took pictures. :)

Lovely. :)

Was crazy in the bus. :)

Simultaneously irritating Moury apu by singing the same song over and over again."Ek chalis Ki last local" :)

Then, came back home. :)

Ate my all time favourite dish.Fried Rice cooked by the most famous cook.Moury Apu. :)

Then played CLUEDO!!!! :)


Watched Ratatoiulle(I don noe how to spell the ridiculous name) :)

And here i am at around 3:30am in the morning,beside Amy..writing all this!

:) :D :) :D :) :) :) :D :) :D


Saturday, November 17, 2007
8:37 AM


In the morning,
I had NPCC.Oh GOD!!!We had to fall in Full U!!!The training was totaly crucial for me!I fell down and broke my leg. :) Then, I could not even stand straight for one moment.:(Muhahaha!!!!So,after I came back, I slept like a Guinea PIG!Lovely.Sweet.Great.Wonderful.Fantastic.Majestic.I woke the next morning!


In the morining,
AGAIN I had NPCC TRAINING!!!ThANK GOD..PEOPLE ARE NOWadays are so crazy!!!Wait..did I say thank god???Never mind..I think i'm among one of them... :) Hehehe..Well, the first item we did wAS PT , then we played Captain's Ball!It was great!Just that I have shy Juniors.Damn shy but soooo SWeet :) Hey..but some of them are so cheecky :P Then, our Sir asked us what did we guyz wanted to do next, And one of my cutie sweetie pie answered "anything"!!!Hence, our Sir took advantage of it!He asked all of us to climb up the stairs, in the New Block. Basically, my poor leg had to suffer!Well, all went good but when I reached home, I think the best word to describe me would be most probably " Dead"!!!


I woke up around 11:00 am. That's very early for me, if you know me well then you will know why I made that statement. :) Well, I had my breakfast and watched the news.Basically, the most davastating news for me is that Bangladesh is experiencing a terrible cyclone!!! :( I really hope everyone is fine man!!!Anyways, then, I cleaned up my room and made everything in my house look neat and clean. Next, I packed my bag becoz......I WAS GOING FOR A SLEEPOVER AT MY MOST ADORABLE FRIEND'S HOUSE, AMY!!!!!Well, I guess you know that I was really excited cause I really was!!!Confusing???Hope not.Anyway, I went out around 3:oo pm!Amy and her sis were waiting at the bus stop to pick me up!I had lunch at their house and then I freshen up myself a bit before heading to Jurong East Entertainment with them.First, we went to look for some Movie CDs.I wanted to watch a HoRROR movie but later we decided not to take the risk..HEY! THERE IS SOMEONE BEHIND YOU!!!ok...I know is kinda lame but hey, seriously..just think about it..at the strike of 12 mid night..watching HORROR MOVIE..OOOOooooh..I will scream to Death but I would still watch it till the end.The best thing for me watching a horror movie is screaming as loud as you can.AAAAaaaaaaaahhh...Well, back to what I was saying, after that we went to Arcade.I played basketball.I love throwing the balls although I'm kinda not perfect in aiming the stupid thing into the Basket.Then, we decided to take Neoprints.The most funniest thing is that none of us were prepared so all the pics were,ermmm,kinda funny!!!Muhahahahaha.Hahahaha!Ok, I know there is nothing I just said that was funny but if you would have seen the pics and expression on faces, then you would have laughed your hearts out!Then all of us were hungry so we went to LJS.Theeen, we decided to go to West Coast Park.Oh My God!!!!!I loved it!!!!hahahahahahaha!Come on humans, say shakalaka baby!!!!It was terrific!!!Amy and I were totally into this cool,fantastic and undescribeale song!!!I know I just described it but actually...i mean seriously..DOes it matter.Nope.not at all.Why would it matter?You tell me why?Should I say why?Nevermind.Anyways, back to where I was, Amy and I and her sis lied down near to the sea shore,The breeze made my hair fly to and fro!Giving me goosebumps.Actually not goosebumps but ...nevermind.Then it slightly drizzled.We climbed up the Pyramid, all the to the top.I was wearing the stupid skirt and was feeling damn IRRITATED!!!Hehehehe..hahahaha..hohohoho...Meowwww!Anyways, After that Back home...wait..not to my house but to Amy's house!!!Well..here at 1:30am in the morning..wait ..i actually don't know what time it is..anyway it is actually after midnight..is'nt that obvious???hAHAHA..well..i am having a slight brain damage so please try to keep up with me :)Hahaha..tomorrow, we are planning to go to swimming pool..then to Esplanade..Moury Apu decided to go to the Zoo...She loves the Monkeys..I love it too..only if they smile..hahaha..they look so stupid!!!Oh yea..By the way..AFRI IS LEAVING YUHUA!!!!It will make a huge difference without him.C'mon.. u gotta admit that there is nobody else that can replace him.I wonder who is gonna make fun of me or really get on my nerves the next time...I bought a floral black and white shorts.Hehe.And i'm wearing it NOW!!!Big deal.Ok..i had enough!So long living humans!!!muacks:P

Monday, November 12, 2007
11:04 PM

My Bengali friends...shumaiya and Amy!!!

My Relativess..

Back from my sleep OVER!
10:40 PM

Me at Esplanade RD

Our yuhua security Guard






I had a wonderful sleepover!After the party was over, we played monopoly!Then, all of us had dinner.When it was almost 12 midnight, everyone started saying ghost stories which freaked me out and I could not sleep at night.Instead I finally managed to sleep in the break of Dawn which was like around 5 am.The other two of them played PsP THE WHOLE NIGHT LONG!!!Anyway, I woke up at 1 pm and had my breakfast.Then all of us went to watch 'Bee movie'.It was very funny with all those bees being hyper active in the movie!It was a 1 and a half hour show!I also wanna watch Game Plan!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007
10:57 PM

Its super fun to be with them..miss them lots!!!


MY SWEET cousins...

My out going cousins....
The sunset in Bangladesh...


MY family and I went to Orchard Road.We went to shop at Takashimaya.I almost went mental looking at all those branded items and specially the PRICE!!!My mum bought a bag and some furnitures to decorate the house.We mostly did window shopping.I bought a packet of tissue paper as that was cheapest thing i found in that big shopping centre with a Monalisa face on each of it!So if anybody wants to sneeze on these tissue papers, You have to actually do it on the poor Monalisa!We walked so much that my foot was nearly swollen.After that all of us went to a thai food centre to eat.Gosh..i think I never felt so hungry!!!


Amy and I went to Beach road to watch 'Sawariya'.It was a really fantastic movie!!!Just that I wanted Sonam kapoor to go with Ranbir Kappor.Shit!!!However,apart from that, the actors and actresses did a really good job!The songs were fabulous!!!The movie started at 3:45 pm and ended at 6:45pm!Now, I really wanna watch Om Shanti Om and Aaja Nachle!Amy and I really had wonderful time together!Our all time favourite song, "HARE RAM HARE RAM HARE KRISNA HARE RAM"wHENEVA WE HAVE THE CHANCE WE WILL SING THAT SONG!Musfiq,nahin and miguil were also suppose to come and watch the movie.But, the plan was cancelled.Anyway, on 17th november mouri apu organised a picnic at Sentosa just like last year!!!Alright Amy, we are again gonna have loads of fun!!!This sunday, I'm gonna have a sleepover with all my junior friends at Aritro's house!!!Finally, the holidays are turning out to be BLAST for me!!!Shumaiya is leaving Singapore on 13th of this month & Amy on the 28th!!!Idiots..they have to leave me here...


OK BYEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007
planing to watch a movie!
11:47 PM

Yesterday at 12 midnight, My family and I went for jogging. We almost jogged the whole of Jurong area.Gosh!!!Now my legs and hands are all crammed!I wanna watch Sawariya and Om shanti Om with Amy!Can't wait for 9 November!!!This Sunday I will be having a sleepover at one of my friend's house!We are hoping that this time all of us will have blast as many people is invited for da sleepover.

I did not went for today's class party!I woke up exactly at 3 o'clock.Now a days i'm having weird dreams!Some includes celebrities like Justin Timberlake and Britney spears.I don know what the hell i've got to do with them but they still appears in my dreams.Oh yea, having Britney in my dreams is more like a Night Mare!!!

My cousins are gone!!!
12:03 AM

Now it is really boring at home!!!I planned with Amy that for this week we will go to each other house and have loads of fun!In this way both of us can get rid of this everlasting boredom.Well, I think tomorrow is the class party.Can't decide if i wanna go or not! My poor lazy leg can't seem to move anywhere.

After my cousins left, i really feel like going back to bangladesh.If i was there, Time would pass by so fast that i won't even have the time to realise its gone!I loveeeee my cousin.Thank god i have Amy to spend time with.That idiot is also going to bangladesh this 28th November!!!Hate u man!!We planned to watch another movie next week!!!Before that i gotta convince her mum!Hehe!Hope the plan works.Gonna miss her loads if she goes back to bangladesh.Shumaiya and musfiq is also going.Damn it...now i feel like having wings!

Friday, November 2, 2007
SO pissed off man!!!
12:17 AM

The day before yesterday,my bengali friends and i went to watch hindi movie at beach road,shaw towers.We were told to wait at City Hall since we exactly did not know where is the place.Shumaiya and musfiq were'nt there so we called them up.They said that they already bought the tickets to watch Bool Bhulaiya for the 3 o'clock show.That's fine with me.But at least they could ask us if I've watched the movie already or not.No,not a soul asked for my opinion.Eventually,I bought the tickets for 'Jab We Met'.Mahera also bought the tickets since she is gonna watch Bool Bhulaiya with her mother.Apart from that,I was mad at musfiq and shumaiya.I mean its natural for me to get frustrated at them and they should also understand why i'm feeling this way.But no.ONe of them don like me to be mad at her and another one called me and mahera anti-socials just because we did not join them.Hello?mister?You expect me to watch the same movie over again.At least you should let us know what movie you guys wanna watch.Never mind.Forget it.You blooody idoit still have the cheek to say you don even give damn about us...what's wrong with you man???I never saw such a emo person in my whole entire life!!!You say its our fault?FINE!

Anyway,tomorrow my cousins is going away!!!!I'll miss them loads.Had so much fun these last few days!!!
