underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

Navigations are at the top.
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Today I had my bengali exam...
11:59 PM

Great..da bloody mother tongue exam is OVER!!!The paper was damn is easy...

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Its me again...
6:04 PM

Rite now i'm in school ...mariyya beside me...half frozen...we just did da home econ test...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
examz r coming up on the way....shooot!!!!
9:54 PM

After a few weeks which is like about less than a three weeks...EYE WILL BEGIN!!!The topic which will be tested for the EYE for science and mahs suks like hell...i hate geography...can't wait to get over the examz...after that my cousins is gonna come over to Singapore and we're gonna hang out ...i'm gonna show her our small tiny singapore...aniway..for rite now..my bloody brain is filled with bloody banan words man...so i can't think of anything....i'm having a short circuit in my brain...when my light bulb is fixed again..i'll be back blogging..till then..
go bananas..

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
1:05 AM

HELLO people! My new blog.. yea. I'm in school right now. Had a rehearsel about the drama thing and that Chi Jack was DAMN late!!! We almost finish the whole script when he came. pathetic idiot. Well it was kinda fun. Doing IT the U-lead thingy

12:33 AM

hey guys!! my new BLOG!!
